Review: Spartan Consume® and State D-Stroy® to Eliminate Odors and More

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
drain care

Review: Spartan Consume® and State D-Stroy® to Eliminate Odors and More

When investing in a chemical solution, you want to be sure you’re selecting the best one for your facility. But with all the companies out there trying to sell you on their products, how do you know what’s actually best for you?

State Chemical has been manufacturing and selling chemical solutions for decades. We know it’s hard to know which product is best for your situation when certain information tends to be closely guarded. For this reason, it’s our goal to provide you with accurate knowledge regarding the industry so that you can pick the best product for you—even if this is not our product.

To stay true to this mission, we’ve reviewed D-Stroy®, one of our multi-functional biological products, compared to Consume®, a multi-functional biological product sold by Spartan Chemical Company. After reading, you’ll understand which product is best for which situations and which is the right choice for you.

Both Consume® and D-Stroy® are Multi-Functional Biological Products

Before we compare the two, what are Consume® and D-Stroy®?

Both products are somewhat like the Swiss army knives of chemical solutions; they have several different functions. So, while you might initially seek out one of these products to eliminate odors, there are actually a few different jobs they can do for you.

Spartan Chemical Company describes Consume® as a cleaner, odor eliminator, stain remover, and drain maintainer. In all these roles, Consume® can remove buildup, clean, and control odors. Spartan Chemical Company specifically labels it for carpets, drains, and dumpsters.

Similarly, D-Stroy® can be used as a drain maintainer, odor eliminator, and stain remover. We recommend it for drains, restrooms, garbage cans, carpets, and linens. Containing SE-500, D-Stroy® distinguishes itself by neutralizing odors through bonding with malodor molecules in the air.

Consume® and D-Stroy® are both biological products, meaning they use bacteria to maintain drains and control odors. The bacteria feed on the organics causing your buildup, odor problems, and stains, effectively ridding your problem areas of these issues.

These two products are similar in function, but what are their differences?

D-Stroy® Offers More Scents and Fights Odors Differently

Since one of the primary functions of both Consume® and D-Stroy® is odor control, it’s important to understand what that looks like between the two products. In this case, it comes down to preference and intention.

Consume® comes in three scents: Vanilla, Pleasant, and unscented. Unscented Consume® is only available in Canada (as a different version of Consume® is sold in Canada) while Vanilla and Pleasant are available exclusively in the U.S. Meanwhile, D-Stroy® comes in Apple Orchard, Morning Fresh, Coastal Dreams, and fragrance-free.

If you prefer a particular scent or lack thereof, you may be more inclined toward one product over the other. However, you should also consider how you would like your facility’s odors to be controlled.

Consume®’s odor control functions by controlling buildup and masking odors. Meanwhile, D-Stroy® controls buildup and eliminates odors in the air. Either of these could be a benefit depending on your problem area.

Let’s imagine that you’re looking to treat odors in a trash room. You run a busy facility, and unfortunately, that produces constant waste. You have to hold your breath going into the trash room, and your staff is constantly complaining about it.

In this situation, D-Stroy® is a good solution because it will break down the organic matter causing these odors and eliminate the odor at the source with an ingredient called SE-500.

SE-500 works by bonding with molecules in the air to eradicate malodors at the source. This means that even when odors waft up from surfaces, SE-500 enters the air to neutralize them. Then, your surfaces will be cleaner, and your facility will also have physically reduced odors in the air.

Meanwhile, if your concerns are odors and buildup in your drain, Consume® can handle these problems in a different way. When it enters your drain, Consume® builds a bacterial colony that will continue digesting buildup as long as conditions remain livable. By breaking down buildup, Consume® keeps your drains clear, and without this buildup present, there are no coinciding odors.

Additionally, with a fragrance accompanying it, Consume® can mask any remaining odors. If you’re not dealing with extreme odor problems in your drains, reducing malodors in the air with SE-500 likely isn’t necessary.

Consume® is Less Expensive than D-Stroy®

Consume®’s prices are not publicly available, and it is not our place to disclose these prices. However, we do know and admit that D-Stroy® is more expensive at a standard price of $0.40–$2 per ounce, which varies based on region and quantity purchased. As you look into chemical solutions for your facility, this is something to keep in mind.

Spartan Chemical Company is a Manufacturer while State Chemical is Both a Manufacturer and a Distributor

A key difference between Consume® and D-Stroy® comes down to how you’ll purchase them. With Spartan Chemical Company, you’ll buy from a separate distributor. Meanwhile, with State Chemical, you’ll buy directly from the manufacturer.

Either option can be beneficial depending on your specific preferences. For example, Spartan Chemical Company’s third-party distribution system could be helpful for consumers outside the U.S. and Canada since the larger number of distributors means that more ground can be covered. Spartan Chemical Company has distributors in Asia, Europe, Central America, South America, the Middle East, North America, Oceania, and the Caribbean.

Meanwhile, State Chemical’s in-house distribution system could be helpful to buyers in North America because it eliminates third-party markups and usually reduces shipping times.

When you’re picking your product, consider geographic limitations and distribution preferences.

Multi-Functional Bacterial Solutions: Consume® and D-Stroy® for Odor Elimination, Drain Maintenance, and Stain Removal

Your top priority is your facility and making the best purchases for it. Now that you know how Consume® and D-Stroy® may solve your facility’s odor, drain, and stain problems, we invite you to contact us if you’d like to consider D-Stroy® for your facility.