How Do I Know If I Have a Drain Problem?

Friday, April 19, 2024
drain care

How Do I Know If I Have a Drain Problem?


So, your drain has been acting weird. 水流的时间变长了,洗碗也成了噩梦. 员工们每次进厨房都抱怨有难闻的气味. There’s visible gunk floating around the sink. It’s an all-around nasty situation, and you aren’t sure what’s causing it, 但你需要答案——你开始担心卫生部门的指导方针了.

有一件事是非常确定的:如果你正在查找你是否有排水问题, it’s a safe bet that you probably have one.

国家化学公司出售下水道堵塞护理液, drain flies, drain odors, and dry drain, as well as products for preventative drain maintenance. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站在工作中遇到过很多不同的排水问题, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站想让你知道,有一个解决办法. But first, you need to diagnose your problem.

In this article, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站将介绍常见排水问题的症状,以便您可以了解您的设施正在处理什么问题. 这样你就可以从那里开始迈出解决问题的第一步了.

Here are the issues we’ll cover:

  • What Should a Healthy Drain Look Like?
  • Why is My Sink Draining So Slowly?
  • What Do Foul Odors Indicate?
  • Why are There So Many Gnats Around My Sink?

What Should a Healthy Drain Look Like?

你可能正在经历不健康的排水管是什么样子, but what should your drain look like?

一个健康的排水管是水很容易流过而不会堵塞的. It won’t have foul odors or pests. 如果你看它、闻它或摸它,你不会注意到任何不寻常的东西. You won’t think twice about it or notice any quirks.

Your drain isn’t exhibiting this image. So, what do its symptoms point to?

Why is My Sink Draining So Slowly?

Slow sink drainage can look like 水需要更长的时间才能排掉,或者根本排不掉. 如果这就是你所经历的,你可能正在处理某种积累.

Often, this is a buildup of fats, oils, and greases (FOGs). 每当雾气进入你的排水管,它们就会附着在你的管道两侧,造成积聚. It might look like 水槽里漂浮着粘稠的东西,排水管里有明显的障碍物, or even just slow-flowing water. 在某种程度上,这是一个不可避免的和普遍存在的问题. Even if you don’t know that it’s caused by FOGs, 根据你观察到的迹象,堵塞和堆积是很明显的, and that’s something you can treat.

You can prevent FOG buildup and clogs in obvious ways, 比如安装一个隔油器,或者不往水槽里倒油. 然而,如果肥皂渣、油脂或其他东西流入下水道,就会堆积起来. It’s impossible to fully eliminate the risk.

如果你认为你正在处理雾积聚或堵塞, your next steps are to explore drain openers or drain snakes 清除积聚物,使下水道恢复正常.

What Do Foul Odors from My Drain Indicate?

下水道异味可能有几种原因. 要想知道答案,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站还得问更多的问题:

Are Foul Odors the Main Symptom?

So, let’s consider all the factors in this situation. Water is draining normally, 看起来没有堵塞,没有漂浮的颗粒或可见的粘稠物. But every time you walk past the drain, it smells very, very bad.

In this situation, you’re likely dealing with dry drain. 当水槽的p型疏水阀(下面弯曲的管道)没有足够的水时,就会发生这种情况. 水通常是阻止下水道气体逸入你的设施的原因,因为气体只能通过空气传播. In a healthy P-trap, 管道里的水位足够高,所以下水道的气体被堵住了. When that level gets to be low, often from underuse, 下水道的气体通过你的管道进入空气中, causing these foul odors.

However, 在诊断之前,确保干排泄是真正的问题是很重要的. 如果你不确定,最好找个专业人士来调查一下下水道,然后做最后的决定. 但如果你遇到的是这种情况,你应该购买干排水处理产品. State Chemical’s product, Shut Your Trap就是一个例子,漂浮在p型捕集器的水面上,以减缓蒸发. Slower evaporation, of course, 这意味着水位降低需要更长的时间这样下水道的气体才不会泄漏.

Is Your Drain Also Experiencing Obvious Buildup?

但如果臭气不是下水道唯一可见的问题呢? These symptoms aren’t always mutually exclusive. 如果你正在经历难闻的气味和缓慢的排水, you could also be looking at FOG buildup. 这就是为什么如果你不完全确定你在处理什么,进行专业调查是很重要的. 根据不同的环境,一种症状可能意味着不同的东西.

Why are There So Many Gnats Around My Sink?

你可能会注意到有太多的果蝇在厨房里嗡嗡作响,或者在墙上和柜台上闲逛. 这东西可能连你自己都没意识到是绑在排水管上的, but if it’s localized around one, 这些很有可能不是果蝇,而是排水蝇.

To the human eye, fruit flies and drain flies look the same, but if you put them under a magnifying glass, you would see that they’re biologically distinct. 例如,排水蝇的翅膀比果蝇大,看起来毛茸茸的. Identifying which insect you’re dealing with 也许能帮你更有效地阻止他们进入你的设施.

What Causes a Drain Fly Problem?

所以,如果仔细观察,你是在处理下水道苍蝇,它们是如何到达那里的呢? Well, it goes back to FOGs. 除了造成堆积和堵塞之外,雾霾还会吸引下水道的苍蝇. 它们为下水道里的苍蝇提供了栖息地,也是食物来源.

有些人认为把杀虫剂倒进下水道就能消灭下水道里的苍蝇. 你不应该这样做,因为有污染水源的风险, but this actually doesn’t kill drain flies either. 排水蝇钻进管道两侧积聚的雾中, and pesticides won’t get through the buildup.要消灭下水道里的苍蝇,你必须消灭它们的栖息地.

So, How Do You Eliminate Drain Fly Habitats?

One method is to pour boiling water down the drain, which will melt FOGs. 如果您遇到严重的问题,则不建议使用此方法. However, it can be effective for minor situations.

To 最有效地清除下水道苍蝇栖息地,使用更重型的产品 like State Chemical’s NO Contest. 该产品清除雾积聚,从而去除排水蝇的食物来源和栖息地, acting as a longer-lasting solution.

So, What’s Next?

很难确定你的排水管出了什么问题. 你现在知道了什么症状会让你得出什么结论, so you’re ready to research solutions to your problem. As you look for the best treatment for your situation, learn about how to choose a drain cleaning company.