F-362™ No-Rinse - Fragrance Free - 5 GL pail

Item #124761

F-362™ No-Rinse - Fragrance Free - 5 GL pail

Item #124761

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  • 基于季铵盐的清洁剂和消毒剂设计用于食品处理和加工领域
  • 有效对抗大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌及沙门氏菌
  • 浓缩后可稀释用于清洁、消毒或消毒

Product Description

F-362 No Rinse (EPA注册号61178-1-70799)已被证明对类似于SARS-CoV-2的硬膜病毒有效, non-porous surfaces. Therefore, F-362 No Rinse can be used against SARS-CoV-2 when used in accordance with the directions for use against Rotavirus; Porcine rotavirus on hard, non-porous surfaces. Please refer to the CDC at http://www.cdc.gov/ for more information.

F-362™无冲洗是一种无磷酸盐配方,旨在提供有效的清洁, deodorization, 医院专用的卫生消毒, nursing homes, schools, processing plants, food service establishments, transportation terminals, automotive garages, office buildings, manufacturing facilities, lodging establishments, 在零售企业和体育/娱乐设施中,内务管理对控制交叉污染的危害至关重要. 使用无冲洗所有硬表面和任何三水槽系统.

Directions for Use

一般清洁-用拖把将本品涂抹在被污染的地方, cloth, sponge, 手动泵触发喷雾器或低压粗喷雾器. 本产品可按每加仑水2盎司稀释或全强度使用. Thoroughly wet soiled surface and scrub as necessary.


MILDEWSTAT -控制霉菌和霉菌对预清洗, hard, non-porous surfaces, add 2 ounces of this product per gallon of water. Apply solution with a mop, cloth, sponge, 手动泵触发喷雾器或低压粗喷雾器,确保所有表面完全湿润. Let air dry. Prepare a fresh solution for each use. 每隔一周或出现霉菌生长时重复施用.

DISINFECTION - To disinfect inanimate, 坚硬表面每加仑水加2盎司本品. Apply solution with a mop, cloth, sponge, 手动泵触发喷雾器或低压粗喷雾器,使所有表面彻底湿润. 保持湿润10分钟,然后除去多余的液体. 对于严重污染的区域,需要进行预清洗步骤. Prepare a fresh solution for each use.

杀菌活性-以每加仑水2盎司的比例稀释, 本品对铜绿假单胞菌具有有效的杀菌活性, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Streptococcus salivarius, 并符合医院使用的所有要求.

杀真菌活性-每加仑稀释2盎司, 本品对病原菌也有杀菌作用, Trichophyton mentagrophytes (Athlete’s Foot Fungus), 当按照指示在浴室的坚硬表面上使用时, shower stalls, locker rooms, exercise facilities or other clean, hard, non-porous surfaces commonly contacted by bare feet.

VIRUCIDAL ACTIVITY - This product, when used on environmental, inanimate, hard, nonporous surfaces at 2 ounces per gallon of water, 对1型单纯疱疹病毒(引起发热水疱的病原体)具有有效的杀病毒活性。, 2型腺病毒(上呼吸道感染的病原体), 牛痘病毒(痘病毒组的代表), Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1), Human Coronavirus, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV),  Feline Calicivirus (FCV).

KILLS HIV-1, 乙型肝炎病毒和丙型肝炎病毒出现在卫生保健机构(医院)中先前被血液/体液污染的预先清洁的环境表面/物体上, 疗养院)或其他可能被血液或体液污染的无生命表面/物体的场所, 可能被血液或体液污染的表面/物体可能与传播人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(与艾滋病有关)的可能性有关, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV).

针对hiv-1的清洁和去污特别说明, 被血液/体液污染的表面/物体上的乙型肝炎病毒和丙型肝炎病毒;

个人防护:处理沾有血液或体液的物品时, use disposable latex gloves, gowns, masks, or eye coverings. 清洁方法:在使用本产品之前,必须彻底清洁表面和物体上的血液和其他体液. 接触时间:让表面保持湿润10分钟. 传染性物质的处理:血液和其他体液应进行高压灭菌,并根据当地有关传染性废物处理的规定进行处理.

卫生处理:推荐用于餐馆、奶牛场、食品加工厂和酒吧. When used as directed, 本品是抗大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的有效消毒剂. Remove all gross food particles from soiled areas, which are to be sanitized, with a good detergent, pre-flush, pre-soak or pre-scrape treatment. Rinse with potable water rinse. To sanitize previously cleaned and rinsed, non-porous food contact surfaces, 将2盎司本品加入到3中,制备200ppm的活性季元溶液.5 gallons of water. 从闭环稀释中心:在待消毒的表面应用200ppm的活性溶液. 表面应保持湿润至少1分钟,然后适当排水和风干. To sanitize immobile items such as tanks, chopping blocks and counter tops, 洪水区域用200 PPM的活性季元溶液或用拖把涂抹, cloth, sponge, 手动泵触发喷雾器或低压粗喷雾器,确保所有表面完全湿润至少60秒. Let air dry. Prepare a fresh solution for each use.

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